Note To Self:

Try not to have the ambition to hang art when your nails are still wet.

I just spent the past half hour trying to hang this dang thing:

I had just painted my nails my typical summer bright red color when I had a sudden flash of ambition to start hanging all the art and photos that I have been procrastinating about for the past month or so.

This thing took me a while because I had to screw in the little eyes that you string the wire through on the back of the frame.  I was really trying to be careful and mind my wet nails and I have to admit, I did a pretty good job not ruining them too much.

Plus, I work with a bunch of men so they could really give a rats ass what my nails look like.  They wouldn’t even look closely, I’m sure.

But I love this piece because it’s by my husfrenn, Peter.  I “acquired” it from Lori and Peter when I was helping them move their stuff out of their storage and out to California.  Ok, they didn’t really give it to me.  I begged them for it, on the terms that I might return it to them one day.

I don’t even know the title of it.  All I know is that it’s a lithograph by Peter and it’s perfect on my wall.


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