The Giving of Thanks

On Thanksgiving day, I took a trip down to Atlanta where my whole family, including my 7 month old nephew, spent our Thanksgiving with my brother-in-law’s family, who are all based in Atlanta.

Actually, my sister’s parents-in-law now live most of the time in Las Vegas, but will take a private jet down to Atlanta from time to time.  Yes, I said private jet.

This is the second year we got to spend time in Atlanta with my brother-in-law’s family, which we really enjoy doing.

I love this sign I saw in the security line:

That’s a little agist isn’t it?  I mean, first of all, we all know it really doesn’t matter if people go through security with their shoes and jackets on.  Come on.  second of all, an older person, older than 75 can easily walk onto a plane with a bomb strapped to him/her.  I mean, do terrorists know about this?  If I were a terrorist, I’d be enlisting radical 75 year old to do my work on the airplanes.  Ok, that sounds a little inappropriate and insensitive, but I think you get my point.  Just an interesting sign.  If you’re going to have rules or precautions based on certain reasons, you might as well apply them to everyone.  Even if they’re stupid, meaningless precautions.  As my friend, Jason Horner, says, the airlines only make you take off jackets and shoes to make the people feel safer.   I can see that.

Going there, I got upgraded to business class, as I was sitting with the rest of the coach class suckers the flight attendant said, “Are you ____ _____”?  I said, “Why yes I am?”  Then she escorted me to my new seat.  I had already had breakfast and a quick slice of pizza at the airport and thought that I wouldn’t eat too much before the big, yummy Thanksgiving meal my brother-in-law’s mother makes (I love her homemade stuffing).  But since I got upgraded, my plans to eat light were foiled because they serve lunch in business class!  And you all know I can’t resist food when it’s put in front of me.  So, I had another lunch.  Lunch x 2.  Man, I’m a pig!

Here’s my view from my first row seat.  And I don’t know what it is about being able to see into the cockpit — I just get so curious about what it’s like in there, probably because they keep that door locked!

My return flight was even better!  I was upgraded again.  As I was boarding, I scanned my boarding pass and they printed me a new ticket with a new seat.  It was like winning the lottery!  Ok, not really.  But exciting for about 3 seconds.  This business class was really big.  It had an actual pillow with an actual pillow case along with a comforter!  Just for a flight to Minneapolis.  And the seat reclined further back than usual and you could kick up your legs.  For a girl that can not sleep on planes, you would think I’d be in heaven.  But it was a no-go.  I slept for a few minutes as the plane was taking off (there something about that rocking/vibrating movement that puts me to sleep — in cars and trains, too!).  Then, I was back to my restless self.

They served breakfast on the flight.  Being the prepared girl I am, I bought a turkey sandwich for the almost three hour flight.  Don’t worry, this time I didn’t have two lunches.  Instead, that $9 turkey sandwich is sitting in my fridge, all the way from Atlanta.  And it will sit in my fridge for a few more days until I muster the heart to throw it out because I know I won’t eat it.

Oh, and I almost forgot about this:

Lucky ATL!  How’d they get so lucky?

Time with my family was great.  I’ve found that living so far away from them is getting more and more difficult and coming home to Minneapolis by myself is a very lonely feeling.  Then, add to it that Atlanta was in the 60’s during Thanksgiving and I come back to this:

The Minnesotan winter has arrived.  *Whimper*

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